DME, can help you drive cost out and improve part quality, every step of the way.
Integrated Software
Immediate access to DME library integrated into today’s software and configurable online.
Providing a series of state of the art solutions for todays part and mold design.
Emerging Technologies
DME is constantly expanding its of innovative line of new products and services; helping to take design to the next level.
For More Information

Supporting Designers
Whether you are a designer of the plastic part itself or the mold in which it will be produced DME can help you maximize your profit by minimizing cost and satisfying all of your customers key requirements. Our highly skilled engineers and designers are at your disposal to refine and perfect a part design, a mold’s functionality and ensure optimum processing performance over the lifecycle of production.
Using analysis and design services combined with our leading products we can help you achieve the maximum value of your mold and final part.
Part Designer
DME has the experience and resources part designers need to optimize their design for the molding process. Contact DME at the beginning of the process to discuss the different services available to support part designer, such as:
- Designing for long tool life performance
- Application Engineering – Learn More
- Resin types and the implications
- Steel selection
- Design for optimal gas evacuation during processing
- Ways to reduce part cost through optimized cooling
- New solutions for traceability
- Successful ejection of the part
- Undercut solutions
- Threading
- Ways to improve the part aesthetics
- Identify and reduce hidden costs
- Minimize down-time for maintenance

Your Design
Molded plastic parts remain one of the key enablers to innovation of both consumer and industrial products. Lighter, stronger, smaller and more appealing products are possible by leveraging the versatility and performance of plastics. DESIGN is critical to every aspect of the plastic part. Through DESIGN products can be differentiated in terms of their form, fit and function to deliver improved performance through the entire application life-cycle. Efficient design lowers total costs allowing for high-speed, high-volume molding operations due to higher material prices, reduce cycle time, reduced scrap rates, and increase overall productivity and costs to manufacture further improving the total value to the customer.

Our Solution
We work alongside you taking a holistic approach that helps ensure all of the project requirements are met wherever in the world they are required. We start by building a detailed understanding of your plastic part design,its intended application in use and the resulting requirements for the tool. Drawing on unrivaled breadth of capabilities we take an integrated approach to meet your needs combining our precise melt delivery systems, engineered and designed components, and mold cooling technologies that ensure part quality and appearance are achieved at the lowest cost possible. Our goal is to deliver the best possible plastic part at the lowest possible cost.
This is the advantage of the DME Integrated Tool Technology Solution.

Mold Designer
DME has worked hand-in-hand with Mold/Tool Designers for the past seven decades.
DME’s ever expanding library of innovative new products and systems are integrated within today’s leading CAD design software. This offers you ease of use and the peace of mind of knowing that you will be using products backed by DME’s quality and service.
On your next project take advantage of DME’s online configurator and latest technologies in designing your optimal mold.
- Focus on core and cavity to increase margins
- Selecting the right steel for the right tool
- Benefits of standard over custom mold bases
- Overcoming mold size limitations
- Optimizing cooling for customer satisfaction
- Successful tool finishing
- Plate control/alignment for molding performance
- Identify and reduce hidden costs

Application Engineering
When beginning the journey of product development, mold and molding limitations have been a hurdle in the past. With DME’s technologies and services, you can break free of old restrictions allowing new and revolutionary part design. This is made possible through expert analysis of molding conditions which maximizes control and flexibility of part design.
The DME Applications Engineering Department is one available resource that can help you produce better parts. DME customers worldwide utilize our applications engineering expertise for mold bases and components, hot runner systems, temperature controls, quick-change molding systems, MRO products, die sets, die cast tooling, and more. Whether your requirement is a special mold base, a mold action device, a hot runner system or something else, DME Applications Engineering provides solutions that produce optimal results for your specific objective. A keen focus on our customers is a major reason why DME remains the standard-setter in tooling technology against which all others are compared. Contact DME Applications Engineering Services to move forward on your next initiative.
- Team consists of real-world shop floor experience
- Familiar with multiple CAD systems
- We quickly review projects and offer support or suggestions
- U.S. offices with live support
- Web review of projects with your team

Thermal Management
Thermal control plays a large role in a mold’s design and operation. DME resources such as Mold Flow Analysis, TruCool™ Components and Temperature Control Systems allow designers to unleash their full creativity in part design by releasing the mold’s full potential. click a link below for more information on DME’s thermal management products and services:
- Mold Flow Services
- TruCool Thermal Management & Components
- Temperature Control Systems
- Thermal Control System Maintenance
For more information on Thermal Management contact DME’s experts by clicking here.

Mold Flow Analysis
Breaking the Mold with Forward Thinking
A mold design is only as good as it’s functionality. By implementing DME’s analysis services to maximize efficiency of channels and reduce part temperature delta, you can achieve maximum efficiency in your molds with greater return on investment and longer tool life all while producing superior product and reducing waste.
- We understand press operation and capabilities
- Autodesk Moldflow certified staff
- Filling, Packing, Cooling, Warpage, Fiber orientation, Part/Mold stress and much more
- Reduce cycle time and warpage
- Lower scrap and waste
- Increase profit margin
- Enhance mold performance
Mold Simulation
Breaking the Mold with Forward Thinking
DME uses Moldflow by Autodesk for all simulation. With Autodesk certified technicians, we can provide accurate predictions of mold operation, pinpoint areas of trouble, provide optimum molding parameters as well as help to lower mold and molding cost.
TruCool Thermal Management & Components
A New Generation in Molding
All the work in engineering the part and mold making of can be lost without proper system balance and maintenance during operation. Let DME analyze the cooling system and provide flow monitoring and regulation to enhance performance. Get live to the minute feed of cooling conditions with our flow monitoring/regulation tools and even notifications of maintenance progress with our CoolingCare unit.
- On site support and mold/press evaluation
- Channel balancing and monitoring
- Enhanced thermal regulation
- Mold care and maintenance
- Optimize press performance
NEW: DME Whitepaper
The benefits of undertaking computational fluid dynamic analysis prior to mold cooling design and manufacture
Optimized cooling is crucial to an injection mold’s performance and much light has been shed on the matter in recent years. With the addition of conformal cooling and advanced strategic design we able to greatly improve the productivity of a molding process, the quality of the manufactured part, and life expectancy of the mold. To download the full whitepaper click the button below.

Emerging Technologies
With a 75-year history of innovations in support of the molding industry, DME is always looking for new products and technologies to aid customers in reducing cycle time, increasing output and extending tool life. New products are often tested in the local market and then added to our global portfolio.
Exciting areas of expansion within the DME portfolio include:
- Rapid Prototyping Systems
- Additive Printing Components
- Conformal Cooling
- Innovative Patented Component Design
- Updated user interfaces

Finishing Strong
As a Designer you strive for the manufacture of a finished product that meets or exceeds expectations. Make sure that you request quality DME finishing and measuring products within your specifications so that your end product hits the mark.
- Finishing Tools: Pneumatic and electric polishiners, grinding and cutting tools, stones and coatings.
- Measuring Devices: Digital Microscopes, ISM-PRO Software, Micrometers, calipers and more.

DME QR-Code Insert
Add a QR Code directly to a product itself.

DME CoolingCare
Automatic Maintenance, Diagnostics & Conservation of Cooling Channels

FreshStart Purging Compounds
When you need MORE than just another purging compound.

Servo Unscrewing Device
Clean room ready, electric mold base unscrewing device.

iMold Cashew Gates
Save operating costs, improves quality, reduces labor, and reduce equipment costs.